Skills Dashboard
Skills Dashboard
If you currently use Skills in Workday, or are considering it, this article is for you. Workday has a delivered Skills Dashboard available for free in your Customer Central tenant’s Configuration Catalog.
Use it out of the box, or as a starting point for report customization. Either way, I think this dashboard is valuable. And did I mention – free?
Migrating from customer central can be a bit involved, so please reach out if you need assistance. The Configuration Catalog Package is called “RPT Skills Dashboard.” You will need to confirm the baseline dashboard security is compatible with whichever tenant you are migrating into. For the initial migration, it involves Talent Administrator, Talent Partner, Manager, and Management Chain. You can, of course, adjust this security and any elements of the dashboard post-migration.
Included Reports
Workday’s delivered Skills Dashboard includes the following reports:
- Acquired Skills in Last 30 Days
- Compare Worker to Target Job Profile
- Gig Participation Report
- Job Profile Skill Comparison
- Lost Skills in Last 30 Days
- Mentorships
- Skills by Organization
- Suggested Skills
- Talent Marketplace Participation Report
- Unique Skills
- Worker Learning Enrollments
- Worker Profile Completeness
- Worker Skills Bands
- Worker Skills Snapshot
- Workers that Meet Minimum Percentage of Target Job Profile Skills
- Workers that Meet Minimum Percentage of Target Skill Profile Skills